June Sale!

We are celebrating this gorgeous weather with summer sale in our shop!  Everything will be 15% off through the end of June.  So, now is the time to stock up on all your summer gifts.  New mustache mugs, infinity scarves and cute summer clutches are being added daily!  Use coupon JUNEBLOOMS when checking out in our Etsy Shop. http://www.etsy.com/shop/frankieandcocopdx


F&C infinity scarf

F&C Finishing Salts!

We are really excited to introduce our new infused finishing salts!  There are four to choose from; White Truffle Oil & Herbs de Provence, Lemon, Thyme & Pepper, Sriracha, and Chili & Lime (with a serious kick!)  We use a natural coarse sea salt base, blending all our salts with fresh and natural ingredients. All finishing salts are produced in small batches for greater consistency and increased flavor. These salts are perfect for backyard grilling, roasting veggies or rimming the glass of your perfect summer cocktail.

To purchase, please visit our etsy shop!

truffle saltlime & chili salt