Bringing the colors of Oregon into the studio. Cosmetic bags inspired by my recent trip to the beautiful coastal town of Oceanside.
i heart oregon
Living in Oregon is truly a blessing. I love that the wild, windy coast and the lush, emerald mountains are a quick hour away! I recently spent a long weekend with my family in the hidden gem of Oceanside. We had lovely pockets of sunshine, quick bursts of stormy weather and found inspiration under every small rock.
Ethan & Coco walking the beach.
Aidan becoming one with the waves.
Frankie was enthralled by every small shell.
Our amazing crab feast. Delicious.
Fabric Inspiration
Sarah has just returned from a three week whirlwind trip to Kenya and South Africa. More to come on her travels soon, but for today we thought you'd enjoy a little fabric eye candy from South Africa.
Sarah's favorite shop, on what she called, "Fabric Street" in Durban. Any store with haberdashery on their sign has our attention.
Similar to an oil cloth. Would make a great travel cosmetic bag.
Just plain fun.
Traditional fabric for the local Durban seamstress.
tranquil monday
guilty pleasures
This time of year, with our gray Portland skies, it's hard to stay motivated and I can most likely be found hibernating while listening to melancholy music. Remember the soundtrack of Once? That's often on repeat in January. In order to keep moving this past cold January here at Frankie&CocoPDX we found inspiration in some booty shakin' music to keep us going. Here's two of our favorite motivational guilty pleasures. Enjoy! Maya has Beyoncé's new amazing album on repeat.
Sarah can NOT stop listening to Flo Rida's up-do of Nina Simone's "How I Feel."